personal Makeup shopping
Let me show you the products that are waiting for you to discover.
I'll hand pick only the best makeup and tools that would work perfectly for you.
Dont ever be afraid of the makeup isle again.
personal makeup lesson
I'll show you how you should be applying yoiur makeup to really bring forward your true beauty. My methods are to teach you my technique to look and feel as natural as possible yet still able to create drama when needed.
All lessons are customised per client.
personal fashion stylist
Discover the style that you have wanted to express. Let the world see your new look of chic and relaxed confidence.
Let me help you discover you , the way you've always wanted to be!
private events
From private makeup workshop events to customer service training and fashion show services, I will put on or partake in various fun projects that build customer loyalty and brand recognition.
An effective direct influencer, I have put on events with Sephora, Benefit Csometics and Urban Decay to name a few.
personal Makeup shopping
Let me show you the products that are waiting for you to discover. I'll hand pick only the best makeup and tools that would work perfectly for you, say hello to new products and brands you'll love.
Discover your NEW Dream Makeup Kit
personal makeup lesson
I'll show you how you should be applying your makeup to really bring forward your true beauty. My aim is to teach you my unique technique to help you look and feel like a HOT MAMA!
Be it a Natural Mama or full on Diva Mama, you'll learn exactly what you have always wanted to learn in a fun relaxed manner.
All lessons are customised per client.
personal fashion stylist
Discover the style that you have wanted to express. Let the world see your new look of chic and relaxed confidence.
Let me help you discover YOU, the way you've always wanted to be!
private events
From private makeup workshop events to customer service training and fashion show services, I will put on or partake in various fun projects that build customer loyalty and brand recognition.
An effective direct influencer, I have put on events with Sephora, Benefit Cosmetics and Urban Decay to name a few.